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gst-plugins1-dts (V) Open source multimedia framework - dts plugin
gst-plugins1-dvdread Open source multimedia framework - dvdread plugin
gst-plugins1-editing-services Open source multimedia framework - editing services plugin
gst-plugins1-egl-gl Open source multimedia framework - gl plugin
gst-plugins1-egl-opengl Open source multimedia framework - opengl plugin
gst-plugins1-faac (V) Open source multimedia framework - faac plugin
gst-plugins1-faad (V) Open source multimedia framework - faad plugin
gst-plugins1-flac (V) Open source multimedia framework - flac plugin
gst-plugins1-gdk_pixbuf (V) Open source multimedia framework - gdk_pixbuf plugin
gst-plugins1-gio (V) Open source multimedia framework - gio plugin
gst-plugins1-gme (V) Open source multimedia framework - gme plugin
gst-plugins1-good Open source multimedia framework - Good plugins
gst-plugins1-gtk Open source multimedia framework - gtk plugin
gst-plugins1-jack (V) Open source multimedia framework - jack plugin
gst-plugins1-jpeg (V) Open source multimedia framework - jpeg plugin
gst-plugins1-lame (V) Open source multimedia framework - lame plugin
gst-plugins1-libav GStreamer libav/ffmpeg plugin
gst-plugins1-libvisual (V) Open source multimedia framework - libvisual plugin
gst-plugins1-mms (V) Open source multimedia framework - mms plugin
gst-plugins1-mpeg2dec Open source multimedia framework - mpeg2dec plugin
gst-plugins1-mpg123 (V) Open source multimedia framework - mpg123 plugin
gst-plugins1-ogg Open source multimedia framework - ogg plugin
gst-plugins1-omx GStreamer OpenMAX IL wrapper plugin
gst-plugins1-opus (V) Open source multimedia framework - opus plugin
gst-plugins1-oss (V) Open source multimedia framework - oss plugin
gst-plugins1-pango (V) Open source multimedia framework - pango plugin
gst-plugins1-png (V) Open source multimedia framework - png plugin
gst-plugins1-pulse (V) Open source multimedia framework - pulse plugin
gst-plugins1-resindvd Open source multimedia framework - resindvd plugin
gst-plugins1-rtmp (V) Open source multimedia framework - rtmp plugin
gst-plugins1-sid (V) Open source multimedia framework - sid plugin
gst-plugins1-soundtouch (V) Open source multimedia framework - soundtouch plugin
gst-plugins1-soup (V) Open source multimedia framework - soup plugin
gst-plugins1-speex (V) Open source multimedia framework - speex plugin
gst-plugins1-theora Open source multimedia framework - theora plugin
gst-plugins1-transcoder Open source multimedia framework - transcoding plugin
gst-plugins1-twolame (V) Open source multimedia framework - twolame plugin
gst-plugins1-ugly Open source multimedia framework - Ugly plugins
gst-plugins1-v4l2 Open source multimedia framework - v4l2 plugin
gst-plugins1-vaapi Open source multimedia framework - VA-API plugin
gst-plugins1-vorbis (V) Open source multimedia framework - vorbis plugin
gst-plugins1-vpx Open source multimedia framework - vpx plugin
gst-plugins1-wavpack (V) Open source multimedia framework - wavpack plugin
gst-plugins1-x11 (V) Open source multimedia framework - x11 plugin
gst-plugins1-x264 Open source multimedia framework - x264 plugin
gst123 Flexible command line player based on gstreamer
gstreamer0.10 Open source multimedia framework
gstreamer1 Open source multimedia framework
gstreamermm1 C++ interface for GStreamer
gtranscode GTK+ GUI front-end for transcode
gxine Gtk-based media player
handbrake Multiplatform, multithreaded video transcoder
harvid HTTP Ardour Video Daemon
hwdecode-demos Standalone programs showing off various HW acceleration APIs
intel-vaapi-driver VA-API user mode driver for Intel GEN Graphics family
juk Jukebox, tagger and music collection manager
kdenlive KDE video editor
kmix KDE's soundcard mixer program
kmplayer KDE frontend to mplayer
kscd KDE CD player
libaacs Advanced Access Content System specification implementation
libaom Library for using AV1, video coding format
libass Portable subtitle renderer for the ASS/SSA subtitle format
libassetml Library for sharing image and audio files between projects
libbdplus Research project to implement the BD+ System Specifications
libbluray Library for Blu-Ray Discs playback for media players
libde265 Open h.265 video codec implementation
libdv DV video codec library
libdv-tools DV video codec library (standalone tools)
libdvbcsa Free implementation of the DVB Common Scrambling Algorithm
libdvbpsi PSI decoder and generator library for MPEG2 and DVB streams
libdvbpsi0 PSI decoder and generator library for MPEG2 and DVB streams (v0.x)
libdvdcss Simple library designed for accessing DVDs
libdvdnav Library to navigate DVDs
libdvdplay Simple API library designed for DVD navigation
libdvdread DVD access library
libflash Open source Flash(tm) library
libflashsupport Additional Interface Support for Linux Flash Player
libhdhomerun Client and library for Silicon Dust HD Homerun
libkate Overlay codec, originally designed for karaoke and text
libkcddb KDE CDDB library
libkcompactdisc a library for interfacing with CDs
libmatroska Extensible open standard Audio/Video container format
libmediaart Library for managing, extracting, and handling media art caches
libmediainfo MediaInfoLib, support library for MediaInfo program
libmpeg2 Library for decoding mpeg-2 and mpeg-1 video streams
libmpeg3 MPEG decoding library and tools
libnms Open Media Streaming Client Library
libogg Ogg project codecs library
liboggz Inspects, edits, and validates Ogg files
libtheora Video codec for Ogg multimedia streaming
libtheora-docs Video codec for Ogg multimedia streaming (API documentation)
libva Video Acceleration API
libva-driver-vdpau VDPAU-based backend for VAAPI
libva-utils Collection of tests for VA-API
libvdpau Video Decode and Presentation API for Unix
libvpx On2 VP8 library from Google
lightspark Open source Flash player
lsdvd Application displaying the contents of DVDs
mate-media MATE media tools for MATE Desktop